Share the Spirit; Spread the Word – Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016


Thursday, February 11, 7:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Chapel, Bishop’s University, Lennoxville – There will be an organ concert featuring Pascal Marsault who holds the position of Organ Chair at Église Saint-Ignace in Paris and the grand organ at Quoirin de Sanary-sur-mer. He performs regularly as soloist in France and abroad (Japan, South America and Europe). We are privileged to welcome him to St Mark’s Chapel. This concert is free and all are welcome. For more information about the organist, see the attached poster.

Friday, February 12, 9:30 am
Adele Finney, the Executive Director of the PWRDF, will be leading a Lenten Reflection called “Edge Habitat” at Trinity Church in Cowansville on Feb12th beginning at 9:30.

Workshop $10. Coffee & lunch $10. Register with The Rev. Deacon Judith Ball (450 292-3555). For more information contact The Rev. Andy O’Donnell [email protected]
valentineSaturday, February 13, 11:30 – 1:00
St Anne’s Church, Richmond – Valentine Luncheon. Come and celebrate Valentine’s Day with our annual luncheon. $11 for adults and $5 for children. There will be a bazaar table as well as door prizes and a raffle. We would love to see you! Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. (Please note correction to the price.)

Sunday February 14 and 21, March 13 and 20, 1:30 – 4:00
St Anne’s, Richmond – “The Hatless Christians” Youth Group. All high school aged youth are welcome to attend. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Tuesday, February 16 – March 22, 9:00 – 10:00 amLectio_Divina.svg
St George’s, Lennoxville – Six Week Lenten Reflection Group. All are welcome for an hour of quiet reflection on the lectionary readings for Lent. We will use the method of lectio divina to listen for God’s Word speaking in our lives. All materials are provided and there is no need to sign up. Please just come when you can. It is cold outside, but this group is warm and welcoming. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Saturday, February 20, 2:00 pm
St George’s Church Hall, Lennoxville – Deanery Council meeting. There will be a Deanery Council meeting on Saturday, February 20th at 2:00 pm at St George’s Church Hall, Lennoxville. All members of the Deanery Council are requested to attend. At this meeting the Rural Dean, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected. The current officers (Rural Dean – Ruth Sheeran; Secretary – Phyllis Gauthier; Treasurer – Kay Hartwell) are willing to continue. However, these are elected positions so others are welcome to put their names forward. Please send nominations to Ruth Sheeran ( [email protected] ) before the meeting as nominations will not be received from the floor. The Rural Dean must be a member of the Deanery Council, but the Secretary and Treasurer do not need to be. The meeting is open to all interested members of the Deanery, but only Deanery Council members have the right to vote. You are a voting member of the Council if you attended the last synod. If your congregation did not send a member to the synod, please elect a parochial member to be your representative. Parochial members are members of the Deanery Council and have the right to vote.

Please note that the following event will begin on Wednesday, February 24th at 6:00 pm not the 17th as originally advertised.
St George’s, Lennoxville – The Nicene Creed: What Does the Church REALLY Believe?
A six weeks course on the Nicene Creed led by the Archdeacon will be held on the Wednesday Evenings in Lent. This course is particularly suitable for those of mature years considering preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is also suitable for those interested in the theology and philosophy of foundational Christian thought.
Participants need not be Christians but it is for all those who are interested in what the Church REALLY believes as opposed to what most people THINK it believes. Conversation will take part over a Lenten soup supper.

Education for Ministry – Year One: September 2016 until June 2017
Beginning in September, there will be an imageopportunity for new participants from the deanery to begin the Education for Ministry program. Now is the time to start thinking about this. EfM is a four-year program of theological education for lay people. The commitment is high, but the rewards are many as you learn to reflect theologically on your own life and on the world in which we live. First year involves an intensive study of the Old Testament scriptures. The following three years are on the topics of: New Testament, Church History, Theology, Ethics, and Ecumenism/Inter-Faith Dialogue. All years have a strong component of practical theological reflection. In many dioceses this is the standard formation program for lay readers, but anyone seeking greater maturity in their faith will find the program enriching. Canon Lynn Dillabough is the registrar in the Deanery and co-mentors the program with the Rev. Ruth Charleau. You may contact her if you would like any more information. [email protected].

coffeeFirst Saturday of Every Month, 9:00 – 11:00 am
St Matthias Church, Fitch Bay – Community Coffee hour. Coffee, tea and muffins. No charge. Everyone welcome.


Every Tuesday
Wales Home, Richmond – Bible Study on the book of Luke from 1:30 – 2:30.
All are welcome to this bible study in the 4th floor living room at the Wales Home. All materials are provided. Just bring a bible. We now have several people attending who are not residents of the home, so please feel free to join us any time. It may be a good opportunity to visit friends while you are there. Sometimes transportation from Lennoxville can be provided. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a drive or any other information.

curling_18Ecumenical Curling
The 4th Annual Church Bonspiel was held on Saturday, February 6th at the Lennoxville Curling Club. The participating churches were St. George’s Anglican Church (Lennoxville), Lennoxville United Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Lennoxville), Waterville/Hatley United Church and St. Barnabas’ Church (North Hatley). St. Barnabas won the event and will host the Bonspiel in 2017 at the North Hatley Curling Club. Other churches are encouraged to participate in this event next year.

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