Wednesday, April 20, 2016
It is with regret that we announce the departure of the Rev. Canon Lynn Dillabough from our Diocese. Lynn has been appointed to the parish of St Paul’s, Brockville in the Diocese of Ontario beginning on August 1st 2016. Her last day in the deanery will be June 26th, and a going-away party is tentatively scheduled from 2:00 to 4:00 on the day (location to be announced.) Lynn will be greatly missed, but we wish her every happiness as she assumes her new responsibilities. A letter with additional details is attached.
Episcopal Ordination of the Ven. Bruce Myers, Co-Adjutor Bishop Elect
Thursday, May 5, 2016.
Saturday, April 23, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm ** Postponed to June 4th **
Lennoxville – The Skills of Healing: Care For Others, Care For Yourself. The Pastoral Care Workshop that was scheduled for Saturday, April 23rd has been postponed until Saturday, June 4th. Lynn offers her apologies for any inconvenience this will cause. She will be presiding at a funeral in Lac Megantic on April 23rd and was unable to arrange another day. Please print and share the attached poster, which has the revised date. Please contact Canon Lynn Dillabough to register at [email protected]
Wednesday, May 4, 5:15 – 6:45 pm
St Paul’s Church, Bury – Messy Church. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Saturday, May 7, 8 am – 2 pm
Bishop’s University – The BU/CRC Refugee Student Sponsorship Committee will be holding their annual large Garage Sale on Saturday, May 7 from 8 am to 2 pm in the Bishop’s University W.B. Scott arena (old arena). Donations will be gratefully accepted from April 4, 2016 until May 4, 2016 and can be dropped off at the arena lobby from 8 am to 8 pm (including Saturday and Sunday). Please note we cannot accept tires, mattresses, TVs and very old computer monitors. Thank you very much for your donations, and we hope to see you at the sale on May 7, 2016. For further information please contact Heather Thomson at 819-822-9600 ext. 2718 or [email protected]
Saturday, May 14, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Murray Memorial Hall, Georgeville – The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop will be speaking on “The Gospel in Four Directions and New Horizon for Canada.” $10 workshop fee. Lunch and coffee $10. Registration required at 450 292-3555. See attached poster.
Sunday, May 22, 4:00 pm
St George’s Church, Lennoxville – Quarterly service of sung evensong. Refreshments and time of fellowship to follow.
Friday, May 27, 7:00 pm – Sunday, May 29, 2:00 pm
St Anne’s Church, Richmond – Diocesan Youth Retreat & St Francis Deanery 5th Sunday Service. All youth, 17 and under, are invited for a 2 day retreat which begins on Friday, May 27th at 7pm and ends on Sunday May 29th at 2pm. Youth. Our retreat will end with a youth led worship service for our 5th Sunday deanery Eucharist, followed by a pot-luck lunch. I hope everyone can come out and celebrate with us. Those who attended the deanery service in Danville last May will remember how wonderful it was to be worshipping with so many teenagers. This year we hope to get them even more involved in the service. Please print and share the poster that is attached with any teenagers you may know and post one in your church for others to see. Please contact [email protected] to get a registration form
St. John’s Church, Waterville, and Christ Church, Eustis Summer Schedule
First Sunday of the month from May-October services will be held at the Christ Church Eustis Hall at 9:30 am. All the other Sundays services will be at St. John’s Waterville, 9:30 am. Everyone welcome.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina, led by Lynn Dillabough, will continue in a more informal way at her home. Please contact her if you would like to take part in this.
Monthly Services of Holy Eucharist in Senior Residences
Third Wednesday of the month at the Wales Home, Richmond, 10:00 a.m. The Rev. Canon Fred Richardson celebrating, Ann Clark, pianist. Third Friday of the month at the Grace Village, 10:00 a.m. The Rev. Canon Fred Richardson celebrating assisted by Lorna Gordon, Sandra Gallichon, pianist. All are invited to attend.
Confirmation Class
St John’s Church, Waterville – Confirmation classes to begin at St. John’s, Waterville. All who are interested please contact the Rev. Ruth Charleau ASAP so that she can plan the starting date and get material for everyone. 12 years old and up.
Education for Ministry – Year One: September 2016 until June 2017
Beginning in September there will be an opportunity for new participants from the deanery to begin the Education for Ministry program. The deadline for registration is June 1st. Canon Lynn Dillabough is the registrar in the Deanery and co-mentors the program with the Rev. Ruth Charleau. You may contact her if you would like any more information. [email protected].
Spring Walk-a-Thon for the Deanery Refugee Fund and PWRDF
Members of the 3rd year Education for Ministry group are walking to raise money for the deanery refugee fund and PWRDF. Sponsors choose the recipient. This walk-a-thon is a little different, in that it takes place all spring. Walkers set their target number of hours they will walk between March 20 – June 20 and ask for donations per hour. So far, we are walking for about $20 per hour, but we would like to increase that. Please contact the walker of your choice to make a pledge: Jane Bishop, Ruth Charleau, Lynn Dillabough, Joan Drinkwater, Sandra Gallichon, Lorna Gordon (shorter walks!), or Violet Konrad. They will explain their walking goals and help you choose an amount per hour that fits what you would like to give. Please contact us; we could use the motivation!!
First Saturday of Every Month, 9:00 – 11:00 am
St Matthias Church, Fitch Bay – Community Coffee hour. Coffee, tea and muffins. No charge. Everyone welcome.