Christmas Flowers

If you would like to place a poinsettia  plant or flowers in the church for Christmas it can be easily done 2 different ways:

1. Purchase and bring your own poinsettia plants or flowers to the church before Christmas. Arrange to meet Cathy Salt at the church to place them 

or – 

2. Email/call Cathy Salt and order a poinsettia plant. Cathy will be picking up plants from Dansereau Garden Centre in Ayers Cliff the week of December 18th. They will then be placed in the church. Plants range in price from $16 – $50. Let her know if you would like a small, medium or large plant. Money can be given to Cathy at church or an e-transfer can be arranged.

Whichever method you prefer, please indicate to whom the flowers are given in memory of. Dedications will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Service will be held December 24th at 4:00pm.

Cathy’s contact information is: 

(cell) 819-842-1276 

[email protected]

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