Pastoral Response to the Mosque Attack in Quebec City

Dear colleagues in ministry,

Please find attached a pastoral letter from Bishop Mary of Montreal and myself concerning last night’s horrific attack on Quebec City’s Grand Mosque. Please feel free to share and distribute it widely.

Bishop Mary and I are both out of the country but are monitoring and praying for this dreadful event and may have more to share in the hours and days ahead.

In the meantime, please keep all of those involved in your prayers.


The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers OGS
Bishop Coadjutor and Commissary
Évêque coadjuteur et commissaire
Anglican Diocese of Quebec
Diocèse anglican de Québec
31 rue des Jardins
Québec, QC  G1R 4L6
(418) 692-3858 •

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Bruce and Bishop Mary



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