January 5 –
*Lectio Divina* every Tuesday morning from 9 to 9:55 a.m. in the Upper
Room at St George’s, Lennoxville. All are welcome to this gentle service of meditation on the Word, following the lectionary readings for the church year. Be prepared for holy silence and an encounter with God. For more information about this practice, please contact Lynn at [email protected]
January 5 & 6
Messy Church in Bury and Danville will focus on the story of Epiphany with a camel/handprint craft and supper provided. Families are invited to attend together for song, worship, stories, crafts, and food. We begin at 5:15 and end around 6:45. Tuesday night in Danville and Wednesday night in Bury. Contact [email protected] to let us know you are coming!
January 17 – 24, 2016 Week of Christian Unity
Ecumenical Bible Study / Partage biblique oecuménique
Saturday, January 16 at 4 pm at Plymouth Trinity Church (380, rue Dufferin, Sherbrooke)
Musical Festival / Chorale oecuménique et festive
Sunday, January 17 at 2:30 pm at Paroisse Notre-Dame de Protection (2050, rue Galt Est, Sherbrooke)
Christian Unity Service / Célébration de prière pour l’unité chrétienne
Sunday, January 24 at 2 pm at St. George’s Anglican Church (84, rue Queen, Lennoxville)