Letter from the Wardens – Syrian Refugee Program

October 4th, 2015

Dear St-Barnabas Parishioners,

As you are aware, there was a special Vestry meeting held today at the Church to deal with our contribution to the Syrian Refugee program.

I am happy to say the Vestry approved unanimously for St-Barnabas to appropriate an amount of $ 15,000 from its capital to meet it’s commitment to this very important cause. As originally proposed, the resolution also called for the $ 15,000 to be reimbursed to the church via a fund raising campaign.

This campaign has started and the response has been extremely positive as we have commitments at or in excess of the $ 15,000 needed to reimburse our capital. I am also happy to say that the majority of these donations from individuals are unconditional.

Unfortunately there are a few donations with a condition where the donations would not be committed if the Vestry had approved the appropriation of the $ 15,000 from the church capital. These donations therefore regretfully cannot be accepted.

On behalf of the St-Barnabas Church Corporation namely Fr. Edward Simonton Rector, Joan Drinkwater, Rector’s Warden and myself, we would like to thank you for supporting this very important cause. We have answered the call.

The St-Francis Deanery will be sending out communications with information as things move along.  Please make your donations payable to :
St-Barnabas Church, North Hatley. Reference : Syrian Refugee Program.Mailing address : 640 Sherbrooke Rd., North Hatley, QC., J0B 2C0.

You will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

Again, thank you.

Peter Provencher

People’s Warden.



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