Dear St. Barnabas Parishioners:

The beginning of the six month period of discernment is fast approaching as we move into a new phase of our congregational life. Beginning July l of this year, we will be following a new schedule of service for these six months and also hosting discussions based on The Fresh Start Models used by the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church of the USA. These Fresh Start Models have been created specifically for Anglican congregations such as ours that are undergoing profound structural change.  We therefore invite you to participate in these Model discussions which will be facilitated by Archdeacon Edward Simonton, who becomes the Incumbent of our parish.

In order to accommodate the Shared Ministry Model, all Sunday Services at St. Barnabas will change to 9:00 AM during the period of discernment.

The new schedule will be as follows:

Eucharist Service every 1st and 3rd Sunday; celebrated by Fr. Edward. AND

Morning Prayer Service (Liturgy of the Word) every 2nd and 4th Sunday, with Deanery

or Parish Lay Readers officiating.

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, there will be a short Eucharist at 4 PM, celebrated by Fr.

Edward, followed by the Fresh Start Model discussions.  The following schedule lists

 July 12 :      Understanding Transition and Managing Change

 July 26 :      History taking and  Understanding

 August 9 :   Congregational Development 101

August 23 :  Conflict Awareness

August 30 :  Power, Influence, Control and Authority in a congregation

It is hoped as many members of our congregation as possible will take part in these discussions. Everyone will be welcomed openly and their opinions heard respectfully.

It is also the intention of the St. Barnabas Corporation, made up of the Incumbent, the Incumbent’s Warden and the Parishioner’s Warden, to reach out formally to the community we serve. This endeavor is important for us to identify needs within our community and to determine how best we can help. We will be communicating with persons in positions of leadership and the community at large, as well as our own congregation, to get input. We will communicate with you in due course to get your ideas and suggestions with regard to this very important effort.

Thank you for your support throughout this very important process.

Joan Drinkwater                                                                      Peter Provencher

 lncumbent’s Warden                                                              Parishioners’ Warden

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