Spread the Word, Share the spirit

May 20, 2015

Note: The editor will be on a retreat next week. SWSS will return on June 10. Send items, stories and photos, please, to [email protected].

Coming Events

The next Deanery Service will be held at St Augustine’s, Danville on Sunday May 31 at 10:30, followed by a ham and salad luncheon. St Augustine’s will provide the ham and homemade rolls. Please bring either a salad or a dessert. Presiding will be Canon Dillabough and the homilist will be the Venerable David Oliver. We have much to celebrate this day: ten graduates of the four year theological education by extension program (EfM) will be recognized. David Oliver celebrates forty years of ordained ministry that day. Youth from the deanery will be present as the culmination of their weekend retreat. Please join us and celebrate the life of our deanery together. There will be cake.

The Deanery Council meeting that was to have been held on Saturday, May 9, has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 30, at 2:00 p.m. at St George’s Church Hall in Lennoxville. Information will be given regarding the Synod to be held in November as well as the many projects that are underway in the Deanery. Everyone is invited but Deanery Council members are strongly encouraged to attend. A quorum is required to transact business and pass motions.

All youth of the diocese, aged 11 – 17 years, are invited to a two-night retreat in Danville, Quebec from 7 p.m. on Friday, May 29, through 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 31.

The focus of the retreat will be care for creation, sustainable farming, and food justice. We will visit two or three local farms and enjoy good home cooking and outdoor activities. There will also be movies, games, bible study, worship, and drama. I mean the acting kind, not just the inevitable drama that occurs when you get 15 – 20 teenagers together. All expenses for this retreat have been covered by a St. Francis deanery grant. You just need to provide transportation and adult supervision for your youth. We will be travelling by cars to the various farms on Saturday and so we need a few drivers.

Please pass this information to those engaged in youth ministry in your parish and ask them to contact me for registration forms and planning.

St. George’s Church Georgeville will bring their singing year to an end with a Eucharistic Choral Celebration on Sunday, May 31st. at 10 am!! Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to sing with the choirs; Elementary school-age singers will have three rehearsals Tuesdays May 12,19 and 26 from 4-5.30 pm in St. George’s Church, Georgeville. High school and adults Saturday May 23 from 9.30-11 in St. George’s Church. Final rehearsal for all Singers Saturday May 30. 9.30-11am.

Communion setting: will be Mass of Hope by Becket Senchur (‘Glory to God’ is #702 in Common Praise). Anthems will include the Vicar of Dibley setting of the 23rd. Psalm; Peter on de sea, sea, sea, sea by David Ouchterlony etc. Information Sarah Hoblyn 819-843-0886.

St. Barnabas Church, Milby (Waterville) (corner Rte. 147 and McVety Rd.) Saturday, June 6, 2015, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rain date is Sunday, June 7)

To reserve a space, or donate articles, please call Bev Stuart at 819-565-7140. $10.00 per space. Proceeds to benefit St. Barnabas Church, Milby. Canteen on site. Many vendors.

June 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Rev. Ruth Charleau’s granddaughter is having a garage sale at the church. Ten percent of the proceeds will benefit St. John’s.

The third Country Gospel Hour featuring music by Dave and the Wranglers will be on Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m., at St. Augustine’s in Danville followed by an ice cream social. Tickets available from the Rev. Canon Lynn Dillabough 819-239-6902 or Marilyn Mastine 819-839-2554. Tickets are free but necessary.

Last fall vandals destroyed many of the tombstones at the Maplewood Cemetery. On June 28, there will be a Victorian Tea at 2:30 p.m. at the Centre Eugene-Caillee in St-Felix-de-Kingsey to raise money to erect a monument with the names that were on the stones. You get to choose your cup for your tea or coffee and take it home with you. Tickets are available from Marilyn Mastine 819-839-2554 or Susan Mastine 819-848-2430.

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