“The Little Prince” played to audiences of more than 1,000 children and adults at schools and churches throughout the Townships. Thank you to all who came out to see the production and who made it possible.
Saturday, May 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, May 10 from 11 a.m. from to 3 p.m. Bag sale on Sunday starting at 1 p.m. Sponsored by St. Barnabas Anglican Church. North Hatley, at the Community Centre, 3127 Capelton Road.
Bring articles for the sale to the Community Center on Friday, May 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information contact Linda Pelser 819-842-1200 or [email protected].
May 9, St. George’s, Ayer’s Cliff is holding an auction of the donated contents of an estate to benefit its work in the community. Furniture, decorative items, silver, porcelain, and much. 10 10 a.m., Saturday, May 9 at the church in Ayer’s Cliff.
The Bishop’s/Champlain Refugee Student Sponsorship Committee will be holding their annual Garage Sale in the BU Old Arena on Saturday, May 9 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The committee counts on the members of our community to supply the items for sale. Items may be dropped off at the arena every day up until and including Wednesday, May 6 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Items in good condition only please. We cannot accept mattresses, TV’s, old computer monitors, or car tires.
As usual all of the proceeds will go to assist our sponsored students.
For more information contact Nancy Robichaud at 819-822-9600 ext. 2223 or Heather Thomson at 819-822-9600 ext. 2718
The annual plant sale to benefit St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Sydenham will be held on May 16th from 8 am to 4 pm and Sun., May 17th from 9 am to 3 pm. at the home of Marilyn Mastine, 275 Route 255 North, Danville (coming from Richmond on the 116 turn left at the light and drive approx. a mile and a half). A large variety of perennials, tomato plants, etc.. People can place orders and arrange pick up after the deanery service at St. Augustine’s on May 31st. If you have plants to donate or if you would like information about the sale, contact Marilyn Mastine at 819-839-2554 or 819-472-2534.
The Deanery Council meeting that was to have been held on Saturday, May 9, has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 30, at 2:00 p.m. at St George’s Church Hall in Lennoxville. Information will be given regarding the Synod to be held in November as well as the many projects that are underway in the Deanery. Everyone is invited but Deanery Council members are strongly encouraged to attend. A quorum is required to transact business and pass motions.
St. George’s Church Georgeville will bring their singing year to an end with a Eucharistic Choral Celebration on Sunday, May 31st. at 10 am!! Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to sing with the choirs; Elementary school-age singers will have three rehearsals Tuesdays May 12,19 and 26 from 4-5.30 pm in St. George’s Church, Georgeville. High school and adults Saturday May 23 from 9.30-11 in St. George’s Church. Final rehearsal for all sSingers Saturday May 30. 9.30-11am.
Communion setting: will be Mass of Hope by Becket Senchur (‘Glory to God’ is #702 in Common Praise). Anthems will include the Vicar of Dibley setting of the 23rd. Psalm; Peter on de sea, sea, sea, sea by David Ouchterlony etc. Information Sarah Hoblyn 819-843-0886.