Holy Week Services

Holy Week Services
April 2, Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m., St. George’s Lennoxville

April 3, Good Friday
9:30 a.m. Ecumenical Procession, St. Luke’s Magog
11 a.m., St. George’s, Lennoxville.

April 4, Holy Saturday
7:45 p.m., North Hatley, Easter Vigil

March 19
Deanery Soup Lunch at St. George’s Lennoxville. As always three wonderful homemade soups, dessert. Donations.

March 29
Prayer Shawl Ministry. 2 p.m. in the undercroft of St. Barnabas North Hatley.

April 10 and 11
Dinner Theatre, Georgeville, World Premier radio play based on Louise Penny’s “The Cruelest Month.”
Chicken and biscuits, decadent dessert, one glass of wine included in the $25 price of admission,
Silent auction as well. Benefits Georgeville United and St. George’s Anglican Churches. Call Eric 819-847-4264 or email
[email protected].

April 18
Annual Spring Salad Bar Tea, Church of the Advent, 473 Bowen Ave. South, Sherbrooke.
Salads, ham, rolls, cakes/squares, tea or coffee. Homemade good for sale. 2:2 to 6 p.m., Adults $10, children $5.

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